International Hotlines

Browse through the most popular hotlines in different countries.

International Hotlines

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LGBT Youth Line- Call (647)694-4275

Kids Help Phone- Call (800)688-6868

The Lifeline- Free mobile app for suicide prevention



Headspace- national low cost mental healthcare

Lifeline Australia- Call 131114

Kids Helpline- Call 1800-55-1800

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United Kingdom

Childline- Call 0800 1111

Samaritans- Call 116 123 (UK’s largest crisis service)

Mind Out- Call 01273 234 839 (queer hotline)

Bullying UK- Call 0808-800-2222

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SNEHA- Call 91-44-2464 0050

AASRA- Call 91-22-2754 6669

Childline India- Call 1098

Vandrevala Helpline- Call 1860-266-2345

“You can not logic your way

through emotion.”

— Unknown